Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Next Up The Algoma Conveyor

 While I was looking at the trains, I decided to see if there was anything else coming down and it turns out that there was.

The Algoma Conveyor was coming down.  I was hoping to catch her at Riverside but they had that closed.  So I headed to Del Ray.  It wasn't long before she appeared.
I think she was coming down from Goderich.
And I think she was heading to Hamilton.
Or at least I can pretend that was the case.  I really should write these things down.
Getting a relatively clean background.
One more.
And of course the main reason why I wanted to come down.
I wanted to put my drone to use but I was really hoping that I could catch something on the Rouge.
But I love the blue of the Detroit River.
A few fishermen were out.
I'm really loving the aerial view of the ships.
The beamshot.
And she passes by.
You can see the supports for the new bridge in the background.
One more shot.

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