Saturday, May 1, 2021

Next Up...the Harbour First

 I thought this ship was a new visitor to this blog but it turns out that was not the case.

After the Frontenac, I headed up to St. Clair because I wanted to catch the Tregurtha again.  As you can see from this picture, I didn't make it in time.
I did make it in time for this ship but there was another ship that I was hoping to catch.
As I was taking these pictures, I realized that she must have passed.
But I was here, so I took a couple more pictures.
I love the different colors the salties bring to the game.
I headed back to Marine City to catch the next ship and these pictures are after that one but I like to keep my ship pictures together.
She was heading down from Sarnia and I think she had a load of chemicals.
She was heading to Montreal and I think that might have been an intermediate point.
As I type this post, she is currently at anchor in Montreal.
I'm not sure if that is because she is coming back this way or continuing on to the ocean.
There are a couple salties that only spend their time in the St. Lawrence Seaway.
This might be one of those.
Well, I will just enjoy this ship.
And then I switched to the drone.
I love the look of these ships from the air.
The almost beam shot.
If I remember correctly, Montreal is about 4 days from this point.
She will make a pilot change in Detroit.  Then another when she reaches the Welland Canal.  There is another change when she leaves the Welland.  I'm not sure if there is another when she reaches the other side of Lake Ontario.  I imagine there is.  Anyway, enjoy the picture for now.

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