Monday, May 24, 2021

The Best You Can Do....

 So this is the ship that I wanted to catch.

I was hoping to catch her in St. Clair first but I couldn't quite make it in time.  I did have time to get a passing shot of her.  Unfortunately, my drone isn't fast enough.
So I headed up to Marysville.  I figured I could catch the Anderson and the ships proceeding her there.
The Anderson was coming up from Detroit.  I think she delivered stone there.
She was heading up to Calcite, where she would pick up more stone.
She was delivering iron for a while but I think other ships have taken up those runs.
The Anderson is the only AAA freighter running right now.  The Callaway and Clarke are still in layup.
I heard that the Munson was getting ready to come out and I can't wait because I like the Munson.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.  I didn't get more shots of her in Marysville because I wanted to get shots of the Mesabi Miner.
As I said in the last post, I headed up to Port Huron.
I really like the shots I get from here and the sun was just about perfect for them.
She does her little dance to leave the river.
Like I said, that gives the opportunity to get different angles.
Getting close to the bow shot.
The almost bow shot.
She turns to head out.
One more with my regular camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
One of these days, I'm gonna have to try getting more in front but I don't want to stay there because you aren't supposed to have a drone over a moving vehicle.
It was weird because there were two other people with drones here.  It almost seemed like we would need an air traffic controller.
This is probably my favorite shot.
She makes her way to Lake Huron.
I love the color of the water in this shot.
It's such a nice blue.
The beam shot.
She makes her way into Lake Huron.
And a parting shot as she continues on her way.

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