Friday, June 11, 2021

A Return to the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

 The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge reopened on June 1st.  Since I was working last week, I couldn't make it until Saturday.  I got up fairly early to head up there because there were some ships that I wanted to catch in Port Huron.  With what I did after Port Huron, it made for a pretty full day.

This tree swallow was waiting for me.
And it seems like he was posing for me.  These are very cool looking birds.
Another shot of him.
Then I caught this red winged blackbird.  I love their whistle.
It seemed like he was posing for me.
I couldn't really tell it at the time but I think this was an osprey.
A heron.
A cormorant taking a break.
Looking at me.
This is a Eurocopter belonging to one of the local hospitals.
Another heron.
A pair of cormorants.
I kind of like this one.
He was posing for me as well.
A group of egrets.  I'm not sure what this is called though.
A heron flying by.
Another heron.
He looks at me.
And a painted turtle.

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