Monday, June 14, 2021

A Stop at Ottawa Wildlife Preserve

 Last Sunday, my dad came down.  There wasn't a ton of ship traffic so I decided to take him down to Ottawa.  I don't remember if he'd been there before but I know he'd enjoy it either way.

The water lilies were coming out.  I think they were coming out sooner this year.
I was able to get a few pictures of them.
I was trying to get the reflection of the water in this one.
And one that I really like.
The red winged blackbird is one of my favorites.
I really like their song.  It is very unique.
The red on the wings make them look very regal.
An egret.
Another one.
I was trying to get the reflection with this one.  The water was a little ripply though.
A trumpeter swan.
Another egret.  He was actually looking for lunch.
And he succeeded.

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