Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Trip to Ottawa Wildlife Preserve

 Slowly but surely, I am catching up to my posts.  Last Sunday, my mom and I went down to Ottawa.  I ended up getting a few pictures.

I think I saw more water lilies this time.  I really like the look of them.
Especially when they are over the water and I can get a reflection.
It seems like they are getting ready to leave us for this year.
So I will enjoy them a little longer.
I kind of like this one.
But I like this one better.
I kind of like how this egret was just standing there.
A heron flew by.
It was a little on the windy side.
He was opening his mouth.
Or yawning.
Then an eagle flew by.
And a young eagle.
For some reason, this reminds me of the RCA advertisement.
the young eagle came back.
He was hunting.
Another spot with some water lilies.
I like the pair of them.
I really like this shot.
One more.
A heron standing in one of the ditches.
A trumpeter swan.
I think he was eating.
Then I saw this egret.
Another heron.
He was moving his head around.
This one reminded me of a flamingo.
I think this was a yellow warbler.
He was singing.
I like the way the light was hitting him.
A completely lucky shot on my part.
I think this was a barn swallow.
Another one.
A deer making an appearance.
There are plenty of egrets here.
And I ended with a red winged blackbird.

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