Sunday, June 6, 2021

A Visit to Ottawa Nature Preserve

 So last Sunday, I took my mom over to Ottawa Wildlife Preserve and Magee.  The wildlife drive was open at Ottawa, so it was kind of nice to go through there.  It wasn't too warm and I saw quite a few animals.

First up was a painted turtle.  This guy was out sunning.  It reminded me of a youth of going out to catch these guys and having a pet.  I would let them go at the end of the summer.
Another angle of the turtle.
Back to the original angle.
This is a yellow warbler.  There are several of these here.  I would have to say that getting a decent picture of a songbird is difficult.
An egret in flight.
A cormorant taking off.
A heron.
Another painted turtle.  This one has a bit of moss on his back.
A cormorant.
This was a younger painted turtle.
I think this is a map turtle.
I can't be too sure without seeing his shell though.
I don't remember what this flower is.
A water lily.
My mom said it was a bit early for these guys to be out but then again the weather has been wonky lately.
Another water lily.
A trumpeter swan and her cygnets.
Another picture of the group.
Another heron.
The family.
I tried to get the reflection in with the heron.
Another yellow warbler.

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