Monday, June 28, 2021

And the Atlantic Huron

 It started to rain harder and I figured I needed to leave soon but I couldn't pass up the next ship.

The Atlantic Huron was coming up from somewhere.  Here she is passing the G3 Marquis in a picture that reminds me of the first picture where I decided I could do this ship photo thing.
She's looking a little rougher now but I think she's got a few years in her.
Anyway, I had to stay up for her because she has a spot in my heart.
And she's a neat looking ship.
It was raining too hard for my drone but I switched to my smaller lens.  I like this shot.  It pretty much says, "Pure Michigan".
She makes her way up.
She was heading up to Thunder Bay.  If didn't stop for fog, I wouldn't have caught her.
There were some rain drops on my lens.  Hence the spots.
It was coming down.
And my last shot.

It was nice to head up to the Soo, even if it was only for a day.  It was nice to see my boatnerd friends, even if it was briefly.  I wish I could have spent a little more time up there though.

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