Saturday, June 12, 2021

And Then It Was the American Century

 So it wasn't long after the Frontenac appeared before the next ship appeared.

The American Century was coming down from the Midwest Energy Terminal in Superior, Wisconsin.
The terminal is supplied by coal from Wyoming that is lower in sulfur than other coal.
That helps the coal plants around here reduce their acid rain causing emissions.
If I were going to guess, it is probably more expensive than the other coal.
She was heading down to St. Clair with that load of coal.
I did the calculation once of how much electricity can be produced by the coal carried in the holds of these ships.
It's quite a bit.
She makes the turn.
My drone was still acting up and so it was dumb luck that I got this shot.
And this shot.
It stopped acting up by this time, but I like this shot.

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