Sunday, June 6, 2021

Fostoria from the Air

 After spending some time at Ottawa and Magee, I headed down to Fostoria.  I wanted to get some train pictures with my drone.  That is something I feel like I need to work on on.  I didn't take any pictures with my camera here.

Looking east.  There is a small yard immediately to the east.
It didn't take long for the first train to appear.
This was a Norfolk Southern one heading west.  I didn't catch the number though.
This is where I need a little work.
As it passed me.
They have an old caboose there.
Another angle.
I heard a train coming from the west but I wasn't sure.  I didn't quite get there in time.
I kind of like this shot.
And then I heard a train coming from the east.
I kind of like this shot.
Getting a little better with my timing.
Some of the cars.
I've decided that I'm gonna keep my drone lower for train shots.  While I like this one, I feel like the train gets lost in the scenery.
One more coming from the east.
I like this one, although I feel like I should have been more to the side.

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