Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Friday Night Boats

 After finishing dinner Friday night, I decided that I was going to do something.  It was either planes or boats.  Planes were about to win out until I saw what was coming down.

I saw that the Kaye E. Barker was coming down and would be passing Riverside at about the time I would arrive.
That made my decision alot easier because I love the looks of the Kaye E. Barker.
She was heading down from Marquette with a load of taconite for the Rouge River Steel Plant.
I was almost thinking of heading over there next but I wasn't sure if I would have enough light.  Plus that could be a pretty rough area after dark.
The light from the setting sun was hitting her just about right.
I wasn't sure if I could get pictures of her at the park because there were a ton of people there.  I think those people would be spread out with the other side but the other side is getting renovated.
Oh well, it was  nice night but a bit on the warm side.
One more bow shot with my normal camera.
And then I took to the air.  By the time I got the drone in position, she was being serviced by the pilot boat.  There was a salty upbound and that meant they would have to make a pilot change.
The pilot boat leaving.
She makes her turn for the rest of the Detroit river.
I kind of like this shot.
I was able to move it around.
The beam shot.
She continues on her way and starts to make the turn for the Rouge River.
I switched back to my other camera for the stern shot.

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