Saturday, June 12, 2021

Irish Hills Towers From the Air

 After Port Huron, my mom and I decided to take a drive down US-12.  I was hoping to get some drone shots of the dinosaur thing on US-12.  There was a police officer parked in front of it, so I decided that drone pictures of that wouldn't set well, so I moved on.  Besides, as I looked it, I wasn't sure if I could get good pictures anyway.

I decided that this would be a better drone picture anyway.
In the early 1920s, a company called the Michigan Observation Company sought a number of places where they could set up observation towers.  
The first tower was built on top of Bundy Hill in Hillsdale, Michigan.  This is looking towards the east on US-12.
This was the second tower built and it was built on half of a knoll that was owned by one farmer.  The other farmer did not want to sell his part.  Eventually, he agreed to the sale and tower was built.
Construction was completed in 1924 and these would have looked much different then.  They had a platform that you could walk on.
This is looking west on US-12.
The towers were closed to the public in 2000 and they were deemed unsafe in 2013.  Destruction began later in 2013 but was halted when they tried to see if they could raise money to restore them.
As of 2017, they are in the process of being restored but I'm not sure to what condition.

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