Monday, June 28, 2021

The Arthur M. Anderson Passes the Mackinac Bridge (In the Fog)

 So on Saturday, I decided to head up to the Soo.  It is Engineer's Day weekend.  I couldn't make it for Engineer's Day but I wanted to head up there.  There are usually a ton of boatnerds up there for the weekend and I wanted to catch up to them.

I saw that the Arthur Anderson would be passing under the Mackinac Bridge, so I got up early enough to try and catch her.
Except I didn't think that there would be a thick fog.  I haven't seen it like this in a while.
I decided to walk over to this end of the part.  I was amazed at how quickly the bridge disappeared into the fog.
As I was taking pictures of the bridge, I was getting some hope that the fog would lift.  I thought I was seeing more of the bridge.
Sadly, this is all I got as the Anderson passed.  Maybe next time.

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