Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Welcoming the Snowbirds

 The Snowbirds were in town last weekend.  Well, they were sort of in town.  They were supposed to do a show in Windsor but that got canceled, so they ended up doing two evening shows at Willow Run.  I think they were going to do the evening shows whether the show happened in Windsor anyway.  It was kind of neat.

I found out that the Snowbirds would be practicing on Friday at 6:00 P.M., so I ate dinner and headed over to Willow Run.  I figured I would try from the western side of the field.  I'm not sure that worked as well.
They were doing their practice at about show center and I was a ways from there, so I didn't get the greatest pictures but these will do.
It kind of made for practice for me anyway.
I kind of like this shot.  This is one of the planes as it flew over.
I don't think they did alot of their show.  This was more or less for familiarization of the airport.
Another one of their formations.
As they were passing by.
They did one of their maneuvers.  This worked best for me lighting wise.
I kind of like the smoke.
I really like the smoke in this one because it shows what they did.
Another one as it passes by.
This was another formation.
And another maneuver.
A delta formation.
I think if I were in the viewing area, this would look like they were one plane.
Both sides of the planes.

And they pass by.
I think this was called the Star Destroyer formation.
I kind of like this one.
Then they had the CF-18 demonstration.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see this pattern in the show because it looks cool.

One more shot.

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