Wednesday, July 14, 2021

And One More Ship

 As I was getting ready to go home, I saw that there was one more ship coming up.

It turns out that it was the Atlantic Huron.  I knew she was coming up but I didn't think she was this close.
The Atlantic Huron was one of the ships in a picture where I figured I could be a maritime photographer.
And after all these years, she still is a pretty nice looking ship.
I just don't have any idea how many years she has left.
One more before switching to the drone.
The weather still held for me, so I was able to take the drone up one more time.
She was heading up to Superior as well.
As I type this post, she is sitting just outside the harbor.  I presume for the Frontenac to load.
Anyway, even though she has her pilothouse on the stern, she is a pretty nice looking ship.
I think she is one of the last lakers to be built in Canada.
She continues up the river.
Again, it is roughly two days for her to reach Superior.
One more shot before heading home.

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