Saturday, July 24, 2021

And Then There Was the Honorable James L. Oberstar

 I was getting anxious for the next ship because the sun was moving lower and lower on the horizon.  I was hoping it wouldn't set before the arrival of this ship.

The Honorable James L. Oberstar was making her way down from Marquette.
She was heading over to the steel mill on the Rouge River.
This is a route that is split by many of the Interlake ships.
One of these days I would like to try to figure out how many runs they make in a week.
I'm guessing that they make at least two runs per week.
That's usually what I see.
Anyway, it is usually the Kaye E. Barker and Herbert C. Jackson but I think Interlake likes to mix it up.
It was still light enough to use my drone.
Although the Detroit River is not its usual blue.
I like the steam that the scrubbers kick up.
I couldn't get a decent beam shot.
And one more as she makes her way for the Rouge River.

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