Friday, July 16, 2021

Catching Up With the Kaministiqua

 So I decided to head to Belle Isle last night.  I saw that I had a chance to catch a couple of ships.

First up is the Kaministiqua.
Last I saw her, she was tied up at the Windsor grain elevator.  I think she was just in layup there.
Prior to that, I saw her waiting in the Belle Isle Anchorage.  I think she was waiting for her spot at the grain elevator.
I think she has been somewhat busy but I haven't had a chance to catch her yet this season.
Since she is in the grain trades, she usually takes the long routes.
In this case, she was heading down from Thunder Bay.
She was heading over to Port Cartier which is in the brackish waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
People on the various boatnerd sites complain about the looks of Canadian vessels but there are a few that experience salt water.
That doesn't help for looks.
The beam shot.
She continues on her way.

I think it is roughly three days to her destination from this point.  It makes for her journey to be almost a week long.

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