Friday, July 9, 2021

The Big Tregurtha Makes an Appearance

 So this is one of the ships that caused me to head up to Port Huron on Sunday.

The Paul R. Tregurtha was heading down to the St. Clair Power Plant with a load of coal.
She was coming down from the Midwest Energy Terminal in Superior, Wisconsin.
She has a load of coal that came from Wyoming.  Presumably it is the low sulfur coal.
I like that these ships have the scrubbers on them.  The puff of steam makes them look like a steam ship of the old days.
But not quite as smoky.
Based on AIS from the next day, it turns out that she had a split load.
It seems like they have been doing that quite a bit lately.
She makes the turn for the river.
One more shot with my camera.
I switched to my drone.  I didn't get out in time to get my normal shots but I like this one.
She continues down the river.
From this point it is about 2 hours for her to get to St Clair.
One more shot.

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