Saturday, July 24, 2021

The CSL St Laurent Passes Windmill Point

 As I said in my last post, I saw this ship making her way upbound.  I figured I had enough time to catch her.  And I was right.

The CSL St Laurent is a favorite of mine, mainly because of this mural.
This mural was added in 2017 to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the creation of Canada.
2017 was also the 300th anniversary of the founding of Montreal.
I hope they are able to keep this mural on her because it is a uniqueness amongst the ships.
I don't remember where she was heading from but I think she was heading up to Thunder Bay.
But that bit of surmising is based on her configuration.
Thunder Bay is typically where ships go to pick up grain.
Well at least the Canadian ships.
I didn't use my drone here because it was a little crowded.
She looks like she's gotten a bit of use.
The almost beam shot.

One more before heading home.

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