Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Herbert C. Jackson on the Saginaw River

So I headed up to Bay City on Saturday because I saw that the Herbert C. Jackson was going to be going down the Saginaw River.  I kind of wish I would have taken a quicker route after Woodward because I would have liked to catch her in Essexville too but oh well.
So the first place I stopped was a spot by the Real Seafood Restaurant in Bay City.  There is a nice river walk area there and it made for a nice spot to catch the ship.
I think the other side of the river would have been better but I wanted to stay on this side of the river because there were other spots I wanted to go it.
It was nice to see her, I just wish the river were a little calmer because it has a nice reflection to it.
And then I switched to my drone.
I was not liking the pictures I was getting from one side of the river, so I switched to the other.
It was nice getting this development with the ship.
One more from this spot.
I went to the Cass Avenue Launch next.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get any shots with my normal camera, so it was just the drone.
The weather was starting to get a little rough at this point but I could still get shots with my drone.
I kind of like this one.
An almost beam shot with my drone.  I couldn't take it much higher because I was getting wind warnings.
And a shot as she continued down the river.
Then I went to another boat launch on the Saginaw River.  The weather was starting to get a little rougher at this point.  It was starting to rain to the north of us.
It was still fine here even though the sky was gray.
But I like gray skies and ship pictures.  It adds something different.
She makes the turn for this point in the river.
And a bow shot.
One more angle with my normal camera.
And then I switched the drone.
I never realized how windy the Saginaw River is.
Not quite as bad as the Cuyahoga but still some winding.  If you look behind her, you can see she's kicking up quite a bit of muck.
I kind of like this shot.  There is still quite a bit of water on the other side of the river.
She's been delivering quite a bit of stone lately and it shows.
A beam shot.
She continues down the river.
I'm not sure which stone dock she was heading to but I didn't think there was a spot where I could catch her again.

As it was, I had to start heading home after this.  I kind of wish I didn't because there was a tug barge and another ship coming in.  We ended up getting some pretty nasty weather and it made for a fun drive home.

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