Monday, July 12, 2021

The Kaye E. Barker Makes an Appearance

 And the ship that I went to Port Huron for.

The Kaye E. Barker was coming up from Dearborn and the Rouge River.
She was presumably delivering taconite there.
She was heading up to Marquette where she would pick up more taconite.
And presumably return to Dearborn.
She's a lovely ship and I like catching her.  Even if I was only catching one ship this time.
I figured that I had a choice, either catch ships or planes.
Planes won out because I can always catch ships but it's rare to catch a B-24.
Anyway, the frontal shot.
She turns to make her way out to Lake Huron.
I kind of like these angles.
One more with my regular camera.
And then I switched to my drone.  It wasn't too bad.
I love the color of the water here.
She passes by.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She continues out to Lake Huron.  She passes a tour boat on the way out.  They exchanged greetings.
Again, I can see why they call it Blue Water out here.
One more shot before moving on.

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