Saturday, August 21, 2021

An Eagle at James Clements Airport

After getting pictures of the ship and finding out that I couldn't really get pictures of her at the stone dock, I ended up turning around to head home.  I decided to turn around at James Clements Airport.  As I was there, I looked in the sky and saw an eagle flying around.

I think there is a nest pretty close to the airport.  At least I've heard that there is one close by.
As a result, the pilots that fly out of there have to be careful.  I would imagine an eagle and airplane accident would not be pleasant.
Based on the wings, this one seems to be a fairly young eagle, maybe six or seven years old.
It was pretty cool to see him circling around.
I think he may have been hunting but I'm not sure what would be wandering around the airport.  Probably mice.
I'm surprised that he wasn't hunting around the river, I'm sure the food is better.

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