Thursday, August 5, 2021

Catching the Blue Angels as They Came In

 So this weekend is the Thunder Over Michigan Air Show.  It is going to be another one where you can park your cars on the field.  It is also going to be pretty cool as they are going to have the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds.  They are also supposed to have a bunch of other stuff.  It sounds like it is going to be a pretty cool show.

Anyway, I found out that the Blue Angels would be arriving at Willow Run on Monday evening, so I decided to head over there to catch them.
While I was waiting, there were a few other planes, like this Embrear EMB-120.
This A220 was flying to Metro Airport from Austin.
I was paying attention to tracking the plane that they were following which was a KC-135 from Selfridge.  They were flying in from there.  And because of that, I lost track of them until they appeared over my car.  Unfortunately, I couldn't grab my camera in time, otherwise I would have had a pretty nice shot.
This plane couldn't land with the rest of them, so he headed back to the end of the runway.
It was pretty cool to see him, even if I didn't get a great picture of him.
He banked to the side.
And started to enter the pattern for landing.
I kind of like this shot.
One more shot.
A Cessna coming in for a landing.
I also saw that Fat Albert was coming in.  This is a new Fat Albert.  They retired the last one.
Because this one has improved propellers, it doesn't have the jet assist that the old one had.
I kind of like this picture against the setting sun.
I kind of like this shot as it was landing.

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