Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Algoma Sault Heads On Down

 After catching the Blue Angels last Sunday (yes, I'm that far behind).  I decided to head up to Port Huron to catch a couple of ships.  It was a nice enough day and one of them was a ship  that I wanted to catch.

First up was the Algoma Sault.  It was a little on the hazy side but I think that makes for cool pictures.
I think she was heading down from Goderich and that would mean that she was carrying a load of salt.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where she was heading.
But it was still kind of cool to see.
It was a little windy (but not too windy for my drone).  The water coming down the side is from washing down the deck to prevent hogging.
It seems like it is only the Equinox boats that I have seen like this.
She makes the turn for the St. Clair River.
And then I took to the air.
I like this view.
She continues to pass by.
The beam shot.
And she passes by.
She continues down the river.

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