Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Saginaw Passes Port Huron

 And this is the ship that I wanted to catch passing Port Huron, so this is the one that I saw on Marine Traffic.

If you notice the slight discoloration near her bow, that is from an incident she had.  They had to add a patch of metal to fix it.  I think she is due for her five year inspection, so they will probably paint her at that time since she will be in drydock anyway.
I don't remember where she was heading from but she was heading down to Toledo.
Based on where I saw her later, she must have had a load of stone because I think she was at the stone docks.
Anyway, it seems like I have been seeing the Lower Lakes ships quite a bit this year, so they must have been busy.
The first of two bow shots.
She starts to make the turn for the channel.  There are a pair of channel markers that direct her.
The lighting was just about perfect and amazingly there wasn't much haze in the air.
I kind of like watching the ship go through it's motions.
She passes under the bridge.
She is close.
The second bow shot.
the makes the turn for the other part of the river.
One more shot before moving on.

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