Friday, August 6, 2021

Watching the Blue Angels Practice

Today was the first day of the Blue Angels practicing for the show on Saturday.  I think today was mostly just airspace familiarization.  Since I was working at home, I was able to get outside for a little bit to catch them.
Because of the smoke from the forest fires out west, it's been hazy lately.  That presented some challenges for taking pictures of the planes.
You can get a good look at the squarer intakes of the Super Hornet.  The Blue Angels flew the F/A-18A/C for a total of 34 years.  They got the Super Hornet in November of last year.
The Super Hornet is a more powerful plane, so it should be cool to watch.
If I want to see one of their last planes, I can see one at the Yankee Air Museum.
It was a little humid today, so I got some vapor trails.
I kind of like this shot, even though it is not clear.
The haze presented some challenges.
A pair of the Blue Angels.
I didn't see too much formation flying the first time I heard them.
But it was still neat.
They came out again later in the afternoon.  I was hoping I get a better shot of the diamond.

I ended up taking tomorrow off.  I should be able to catch them from the airport.  It should be fun.

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