Monday, September 27, 2021

Doing Some Aerial Trainspotting

 I was thinking about heading over to Grand Haven on Sunday.  The Great Republic was coming in but then I got to thinking about the crowds that would be there, so I decided to head down to Ohio instead.  There was a special treat waiting for me in Bellevue.  More on that in the next post.

As I was thinking of heading over to Grand Haven, I got as far as M-52, so I decided to take it down to Ohio.  I remembered that it would land me west of Deshler, so I ended up making a stop in Deshler first.  I didn't see any trains when I got there, so I headed east to Fostoria.  As we got to North Baltimore, I saw a train heading towards Deshler, so I headed back there.  I arrived in time to catch it.  I was using my drone but I wasn't expecting it to come down this track, fortunately, my drone moves fast enough.
One of these days, I would like to catch a northbound train and this watertower.
A shot of the old train station.  It would be nice if they would make an effort to restore this.  I could see a restaurant/viewing area here but I have a feeling it will get torn down first.
The tower there.  I think CSX still uses this for storage.
These posts are kind of out of order.  After Deshler, I made a stop in Fostoria.  I didn't hear any trains, so I moved on.  I had bigger fish fry.  After I fried those fish, I headed back to Fostoria and I arrived in time to catch this train.  I recognized where the whistle was coming from, so I was able to get my drone in position.
Again, I was not expecting it to make a turn for the other track.  But I liked the way this was illuminated.
And it heads to the west.
This train was coming from the south.  It also ended up heading west.  I was not expecting this, so I had to hurry my drone over here.  Fortunately, I caught it in time.
And one more shot.
A train coming from the west.  I anticipated this one.  So I was able to get this shot and I was fairly happy with this shot.
It passes the F tower.
A Norfolk Southern train heading to the east.

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