Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Cleveland Air Show - 2021

So we made it to the Cleveland Air Show.  We decided to watch it from the roof a parking garage that wasn't too far from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  It wasn't quite as good as being at the show but it was too bad.  It also meant that we didn't have to walk that much.

We got there in time to catch the A-10 Warthog demonstration.  It was pretty cool to watch this plane go through its paces.
It was painted in the Southeast Asia scheme, this was a scheme that they used in the 1960s.
I'll have to say it is a pretty cool looking scheme.  Makes me wish the Navy would paint a couple aircraft in their 1960s scheme.
Anyway, they were doing all sorts of loops and rolls.
For the most part, it passed fairly close to us.
In a landing configuration.
I love this look.
I seriously hope they keep them around longer.
They had some fireworks set up and they did a simulated bomb run.  That woke a few people up.
A fairly unusual formation.
Another pass.
I like this shot.
One more pass and then it was on to the next part.
Then the Golden Knights started to climb.
I'm not sure what this plane was but it was put through it's paces.
This is an Interstate Cadet used by Jelly Belly.
I think this is the plane they use to land on a truck.
Anyway, it was put through some pretty weird paces.
And then the Golden Knights came down.  It was pretty cool to watch them free fall for a while.
Displaying the POW/MIA flag.
I don't think this helicopter was part of the show.
Some of the Golden Knights coming out of the plane.
They hooked up.
And then they fell pretty fast.
A trio of them.
Their plane returns to land.
This is a Hughes helicopter belonging to the Cleveland Police.  
This was part of the show because I think they use it to get a picture of the crowd.
And then the Thunderbirds came out.
The diamond as it passes by.
Another pass of the diamond.
The mirror formation almost blocked by the Rock and Roll Hall of fame.
I'm not sure what formation this is but it looked cool.
And they get back in the diamond.
One of the solos passing.
After a loop.

About halfway through the show, they lost one of the solo planes, so they couldn't do the delta formation.
Another one of the solos passing.
I kind of like this shot.
The five ship formation.
This one almost looks like it could be the same plane in a maneuver.

And the final pass by before returning to the airport.

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