Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Algoma Strongfield Passes By

 This wasn't the ship that I wanted to catch but it was still a ship and she was passing Port Huron.

This is the Algoma Strongfield, I'm not exactly sure where she was coming from but based on her configuration, I think it was Thunder Bay.
And I think she was heading to Montreal or Quebec City.
Because she is what is known as a straight decker, she was likely delivering grain.
Montreal and Quebec City are used for salties to continue the grain to Europe.
I think larger salties can visit there.
The bow shot.
And she makes the turn for the river.
ONe more shot with my regular camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
Again, I love the blue water here.

The beam shot.
And she continues on her way.
I headed to Marysville next, since I was going to catch the next ship there too.
I couldn't use my drone here, so just my normal camera.
The beam shot.
She was too big for my smallest lens.
And she continues on.

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