Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Alpena Passes Port Huron

 So on Saturday, I saw that the Alpena was heading back up to Alpena.  I decided to head over to Port Huron so that I could catch her.

I had to do some running around before I could head up but I got that done and I headed up to Port Huron.
I made it in time to catch her as she was heading for Lake Huron.
As I've said before, I like catching ships in Port Huron.
I get multiple angles as they work their way up the channel.
The only problem is that I am shooting against the sun rather than with it.
But I don't think that was much of a problem here.
As you can see, the leaves are starting to turn color.  I think it might be a little earlier this year because it's been so cloudy.
She starts to make the turn for the channel.  I think this is my favorite angle.
A little closer.
the bow shot.
And she turns to leave.
One more shot with my regular camera.
And then I took to the air.
I think I like this shot.
She gets closer to my drone.

The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
And she heads out into Lake Huron.
One more shot.
And one more.

I had to get a shot with my regular camera.

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