Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Swartz Covered Bridge

 As I was heading down to Marion, I noticed a sign for a covered bridge.  Since I was interested in catching trains, I figured I could catch it on the way back.

The bridge was built in 1880 and added to the list of National Historic Places in 1976.
It is a Howe covered truss on County Road 130 near Marion.
I decided to take my drone to get some different angles.
The normal angle.
I wish the tree weren't in the way.  I would have liked this picture.
I had to be careful over the river.  The river is the Sandusky River which eventually empties into Lake Erie near Sandusky.
From the other side.  I kind of wish there were more color.
One more shot.

Apparently, there are a couple more covered bridges in this area, I will have to look them up to get pictures.

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