Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Next Up the Indiana Harbor

 It didn't take too long for the next ship to appear.

And that ship was the Indiana Harbor.
I think she was heading down to Cleveland and that would mean that she had a load of taconite for the Cleveland Bulk Terminal.
They use that for the shuttle ships to take the taconite down to the steel mill.
Anyway, it was cool catching her.
And it was still a nice day but a little hazy.
I think the wind was starting to pick up a little bit.
STill a bit of color.

I caught these geese.  I kind of like this shot.
A relatively clean shot.
Windsor as a backdrop.
And then I  took my drone to the air.
I kind of like this shot.
But I alternated between my drone and camera because I like these stickers on the side.
I couldn't pass up the drone view.

I still would like this as a bumper sticker.
I think the drone shots make these ships look even more impressive.
The beam shot.
And she continues down the river.

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