Thursday, December 30, 2021

And the Sykes Makes an Appearance

 It wasn't too long before I heard the whistle from the Sykes.  I knew that she was rounding the bend and that I would be seeing her soon.  She was quite whistle happy as she was leaving.

I wouldn't normally take a shot like this but I kind of liked it.  I probably could have sat in a different spot and got a clearer shot of the ship but I liked the spot where I was at.
One of the people watching her back out.  It was a little windy but not too windy for my drone.
A better shot of her stern.
And she clears the bend.
I decided to switch to my drone to get some overhead shots.
I like the new stack with the Cleveland Cliffs logo.
A nice shot of the expanse of beach.
I switch back to my regular camera.  I wanted some ground shots of her.
I really wanted a shot of her and the lighthouse.
And then I switched back to my drone.  Sadly, I was kind of shooting into the sun.
But one of the nice things about the drone is that I can fly it to get a better lighting spot.

The almost bow shot.
She about passes the lighthouses.  She was going about 2 knots, so I had plenty of chances.
I kind of like this shot.
She just about clears the piers.
One more shot with my drone.  This was getting close to my limit.
And then I switched back to my other camera.
I'll have to say the light was just about perfect for this.
She was making the turn to head north.
I think she was heading up to Duluth next.  I'm not sure where she is going after that.
The bow shot.
She makes the turn to leave.
A bit of smoke as she pours on the steam engine.
And just like that, she heads out.

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