Thursday, December 30, 2021

Catching Up With the Manitoulin

 I was not expecting to catch the next ship but I did.

As I was heading up to catch the Tregurtha in Port Huron, I saw that the Manitoulin was heading downbound.
I stopped at a spot where I could catch her.
It wasn't a great spot but it worked because I wasn't sure I would be able to catch her again.
I think she was heading down to Buffalo.
I think she had a load of stone.
One more shot from this spot.
After catching the Tregurtha and another shot, I saw that I could catch her in Algonac.  So I headed there.
I like this spot a little better.  The weather was starting to get less cooperative but it was still fairly warm.
She makes the turn for the rest of the river.
I love her looks because she is so unique looking.
She has her unloader in the front because it helps her get to certain docks.
There are two Algoma ships in this configuration.
The new Interlake ship also has this configuration.
I think it represents the changing face of Great Lakes shipping.
As the coal plants that line Michigan close down, there will be less of a need for the 1000 footers.
Steel mills are changing to a different process that uses less taconite, so those ships might have to find different work.
There still is going to be plenty of stone, salt and wheat though.
The almost beam shot.
The beam shot.
And she continues on to Buffalo.

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