Monday, January 3, 2022

My First Ship of 2022

 Except for the fact that Michigan lost, I had a pretty good New Year's Eve.  I ended up sleeping in a little bet on New Year's Day.  I knew that there would be at least one ship I wanted to catch (especially if she stopped for fuel).  As I was laying in bed, I saw that there were two other ships that would catch my interest.

It turns out that the Lee A. Tregurtha was heading upbound from Toledo.
I think she was delivering taconite there.  She actually kind of slipped in under the radar.
I wasn't sure I would catch her, as I wasn't sure if she would end up stopping for fuel.
She didn't stop for fuel, but she gave me plenty of time to catch her.
I was actually happy to see her because she is one of my favorites.
A shot of her pilothouse as she started to pass by.  Lately, I would have tried to get a drone shot but I can't do that in Marysville.
A shot of her deckhouse.
And she passes by.
One more shot as she continues on.
I got pictures of the other ship and then I headed up to Port Huron to catch the Lee A. Tregurtha again.
I love catching pictures of ships at Port Huron, mainly because I get most of the angles.
But especially because I get the bow shot.  Lee A. Tregurtha has one of the more interesting bow shots out there.
She makes the turn to enter Lake Huron.
This is about where I would switch to my drone but it was pretty windy on Saturday.  We had a nice storm front coming in.
She passes under the Blue Water Bridge.
Another shot under the bridge.
A shot of her pilothouse.  You can see the waves.
She continues by.
A shot of her deckhouse.
A wave washes over the spot where I would normally sit.
One more shot before the next ship.

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