Monday, January 3, 2022

My Last Ship of New Year's Day

After catching the Whitefish Bay, I headed back to Marysville.  There was one more ship to catch.

And that ship was the John G. Munson.
She was coming up from Conneaut, Ohio.  I think she was delivering stone to there.
She stopped for fuel after the Anderson left but that gave me time to get pictures of her.  Otherwise, the three ships would have been bunched fairly close.
I think the wind was starting to pick up.
I had to keep on eye on the weather because we were expecting a big snow storm.
I didn't really want to get caught in it.
She starts to pass by.

About as close to the beam shot as I could get.
She passes the refinery.
A shot of her pilothouse.
And a shot of her deckhouse.
She continues up the river.
I was kind of waffling on whether I wanted to catch her in Port Huron or not.
I didn't want to get caught in the snow but I figured it was too late now, so I went to Port Huron.
It's not often when I can catch three classic lakers in one trip.
A shot of her bow.
She also makes the turn for Lake Huron.
I was sort of in my usual spot again.
But I wasn't along the rocks because the waves were shooting up.  I kind of like this with the bridge framing her.
She continues by.
I love the way she's pushing the water.
Another shot of her pilothouse.
The water kicks up over the rocks.  She is also on her way to Superior, Wisconsin.

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