Monday, January 17, 2022

The Edgar Speer Passes St. Clair

 I was hoping to catch another ship and I saw that I had a chance to catch her.  After catching the Calumet, I headed down to Marysville, but I saw that they had a passed.

So I headed down to St. Clair.  It was getting much colder at that point.
Fortunately, I didn't have much of a wait.  In fact, I didn't have any wait.
I didn't even need to switch lenses.
She was headed down to Toledo.  I'm not sure where she was headed from.
I think it was Gary and it was her last load of the season.
I was kind of surprised how much ice was on the water.
The moon in the background.
A shot of her pilothouse.
Another shot of her pilothouse.
And she sails down to Toledo to conclude another shipping season.

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