Monday, February 14, 2022

A Cold Day at the Airport

On Saturday I saw that there was a ship coming down, so I went over to Belanger to catch her.  Sadly, I messed around too long and I was able to watch her pass.  I didn't catch the eagle there either.  I didn't want to waste a day, so I headed over to the airport.

A CRJ-200 heads off to State College, Pennsylvania.
This CRJ-900 was heading to Cleveland.
After stopping at the cell phone lot, I decided to head up to the parking deck.  Mainly because the flow changed.  First up was a CRJ-900 coming in from Elmira, New York.
Next up was an A330 belong to Lufthansa coming in from Frankfurt.
A little bit of smoke.  Sadly, the light post was kind of in the way.
It starts to taxi to the gate.
Because I love head shots.
And she turns towards the gate.
An A220 heading for Newark.
It was followed by one heading to Boston.
This 737 was on its way to Fort Myers.
And this one was heading to Tampa.
Another shot of the 737.
I couldn't make out the tail number on this plane but I know it was a 717.  I think it was heading to Pittsburgh.
An A320 coming in from LaGuardia.
An A319 heading to DC.
An A321 coming in from Orlando.
And the plane I was waiting for.
This 757 was on its way to Atlanta.
I love the trails behind it.
The wheels start to come up.
One more shot because I like the 757.

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