Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Gordon Lightfoot Concert

 So it was finally the concert.  It seemed kind of weird after waiting for so long.

Apparently, he did two shows here.
Pretty straightforward set.
The opening act was a man named Jimmie Bones.  Apparently he played for Kid Rock on a couple of albums.  He was pretty good and played mostly blues.  He did a version of Alice Cooper's "I Never Cry" that sounded pretty good.
After about a half hour of the opening act, Gordon Lightfoot appeared on stage.  It's hard to believe that he is 83.  He played a few of his hits. He explained some of the songs before he would play them.
I'm not sure if the band members were his normal band members but they were pretty good too.
The lightshow behind him was pretty good too.
There was a different version for each song.
He finished the normal show with the "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".  It was pretty good.  I wish he could have played more but oh well.

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