Friday, March 25, 2022

A New Mural Hits the Lakes

 The CSL Welland was the first ship to pass through the Welland Canal this season.  She was sporting something different.

This is the second ship that Canada Steamship Lines added a mural too.  The first one was the CSL St. Laurent sporting an angry goose for the 150th Anniversary of Canada's independence.
This one is on the CSL Welland.  The CSL Welland is another straight decker Chinese built ship.
It is mostly used for the grain trades.
This one did not have a destination updated, so I assumed it was heading up to Thunder Bay.  Turns out that I was wrong.
The mural itself is for the Canada Games.  The Canada Games are both a Canadian version of the Olympics and Special Olympics.  They are held in alternating years from the Olympics.  This year they will be held in Niagara.
The mural shows some folks running.  It almost looks like they are running off the ship.
She almost passes me.
The clouds looked pretty cool.
It wasn't as windy today.  I probably could have brought my drone.
She almost makes the beam shot.

And the beam shot.
She continues up the river.
I decided to head up to St. Clair since I was only catching one ship.
When that happens, I like to chase that ship so I get some different angles.
And I think this mural is pretty cool.  I would love to see Canada Steamship Lines do some more.
Anotehr angle.
Close to the beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She she continues up the river.
So next I headed up to Marysville.
A shot of her bow.
Another closeup of the mural.
It kind of looked like the sky was clearing up.
I saw some sunlight.
And then it started to rain.
I kind of like this shot.
And this one.
Unfortunately, I can't do a beam shot here as they come too close.
And she continues up.
I kind of like that this one looks like she is being caught.

I thought I would catch her in Port Huron as she passed under the bridge.  But she ended up docking in Sarnia, so I didn't catch her.  And since I didn't realize she was going to be docking, I didn't catch that either.

Hopefully there is some good ship action next week as I start a new chapter in my life in the week after.

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