Thursday, March 17, 2022

Catching the AlgoCanada on a Nice Warm Day

 It was a nice day.  The temperature hit the 70s.  That is nice for going out in but not so nice for taking pictures of ships.  If the air is warm like that, the water usually isn't and that makes for disortions in the air.

Kind of an overall shot looking up at Detroit from Belanger Park.  The Stormont is continuing on.  The AlgoCanada is coming down.
The AlgoCanada is a tanker.  She is usually based in Sarnia.
From Sarnia, she will either go to Sault Ste Marie, Ontario or Nanticoke, Ontario.
I think she is usually delivering fuel oil.  She is a nice looking ship and this is a pretty nice vantage point for catching a ship.  I love the view of downtown Detroit I get here.  It doesn't seem like it will be affected by the new Bridge.
Sadly, the picture of the Renaissance Center will be.
Although, I think the views from Belanger will be nice with the bridge.
I'm not sure she is passing on the Canadian side.
One more with my regular camera.
It was a calm day, so I switched over to my drone.  I like the shots from the drone.
I really like that you can see the wake patterns of the ships.
And I love the blue of the Detroit River.
The almost beam shot.
She starts to pass by.
The beam shot.
And she continues on her way to Nanticoke.
One more shot before moving on.

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