Friday, March 25, 2022

Catching Up the CSL Assiniboine

 I'd say this was my first ship of the season but I already caught the Alpena on Sunday.  But it was still cool to catch this ship.

The CSL Assiniboine was laid up in Sarnia.  As I was getting ready to head home after catching the AlgoCanada, I decided to check Marine Traffic.
I saw this ship pulling out of Sarnia and starting to head down.
So I headed up to Port Huron.
Turns out that I wasn't quick enough, so I turned around and headed to Marysville.
I figured that would give me enough time to get set up and catch her there.
She was pushing into the wind and that was making for some cool bow waves.
I can't imagine it was too cool if you were on the ship.
She was heading down to Conneaut.
Not sure why she was heading there.
I kind of like this wave hitting her bow.
Her billboard.
Her pilothouse.
Another shot of her pilothouse.
And she continues on her way.

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