Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Watching the Trains Go By in Fostoria, Ohio.

 My dad came down on Sunday and we decided to head over to Fostoria.  It has been a while since I've been there.  It has also been a while since I've used my drone.  I figure I would get both out of the way.  The fact that it was a nice sunny day was a bonus.

I like using my drone at Fostoria.  I don't have to run around the park with it.  I can get it in place where I need it (most of the time).
This is a train that was coming down from the north.  I think it would have been a line that comes in from Toledo.
It was heading on the line that takes it to North Baltimore.
Since it was carrying containers, that doesn't surprise me.
This is the warehouse they are building on the land next to the rail park.  I heard they are installing rail cameras, so I might be able to watch trains from home.
If I had my bearing proper, I wouldn't have missed this train.  I thought it was coming on the other line but I misjudged the horn.   This isn't too bad of a shot though.
And then I thought the other train was on the other track.  It would have been cooler to catch as it was overtaking the other train.
It's easy to tell when trains are coming from this direction.
Another train that is heading towards North Baltimore and beyond.
This one has autoracks, so it might be heading beyond North Baltimore.
Unfortunately, I was shooting into the sun.
As I was leaving, I didn't think there were any other trains and then my dad noticed this one.
It is the local train, I think.  It was gathering cars.
The sun was just about right.
I kind of like this shot.
I went to the other side of the street because I figured it was going to back up.
It passes the gate.
And reveals the station.
I kind of like this shot with the station.
And then it heads back to the yard.

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