Sunday, April 24, 2022

And the Alpena

 This is one of the other ships that I wanted to catch.

The Alpena was heading down from her namesake city.
She was heading to Detroit to unload cement (what else?).
It was a fairly warm day, so there was a bit of heat haze.  I guess it wasn't too bad.
There is still some heat haze in this picture.
It finally got better as the ship got closer.
I hate heat haze.
The sun was at a better angle too.
There weren't as many fisherman.
One more shot with my normal camera.
I would have liked to catch her heading into the dock but I wanted to go to other places.
It would be another hour before she was near the dock.  I think there would have been more fishermen around her.
If she had a normal unload time, I could have caught her today.
As it turns out, she was doing a split load for Toledo.
If I had caught that earlier, I might have tried to catch her going into Toledo.
A beam shot.
She continues on.
I like this shot with the skyline in it.

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