Saturday, April 2, 2022

Catching the Alpena

 So my posts are a little out of order.  I did the Limnos first but I caught her second in part of my Alpena shots.  I figure that is okay.

The Alpena had a split load for Toledo and Detroit.  She headed to Toledo first but the timing was off, so I didn't catch her there.  Then she headed up for Detroit but I wasn't sure if DelRay was open or not, so I didn't catch her there.
I saw that she was heading back to Alpena from Detroit and I saw that I could catch her.
I stopped in Marine City first.  I brought my drone along but the spot in Marine City isn't conducive to drones especially with the wind.
But I still got some pictures of her.
She continues on.
I headed up to St. Clair next.
I like the pictures I get in St. Clair.
They generally present a few different angles.
One more with my normal camera.
I was able to switch to the drone here.
It's amazing how blue the St. Clair River looks.
It was a little windy but not so windy that my drone was yelling at me.
I love the looks of this ship.
A beam shot.
And she continues up the river.
I don't normally like stern shots but I do like them from the drone.
I headed up to Marysville next.
Marysville also provides some good angles.
I thought I couldn't use my drone here but it turns out that is not correct.
I didn't want to switch to it since I didn't have it ready anyway.
A beam shot.
And she continues on.
One more.
I headed up to Port Huron next.
I love the angles here.
She turns for the river.
One more before switching to my drone.
And then I switched to my drone.
I love framing the Blue Water Bridge in the background.
She makes her way for Lake Huron.
A beam shot.
She continues up.
I love the wake.
The sky looked pretty dreary though.
One more shot with my drone.
I had to switch back to my other camera for this shot.

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