Monday, April 18, 2022

Catching Up With an Old Friend

 I had Friday off since it was a holiday.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do until I took a look at Marine Traffic.

The ship that dragged me out was this one.
She is the John D. Leitch and many people consider her the ugliest boat on the Lakes.
I would say that distinction belongs to one of the tug barges.
She's certainly not winning any beauty contests in the future though.
Her unique pilothouse gives her more cargo space.
And hauling cargo is her job, so hauling more helps her do her job better.
She was heading up to Superior.
I think she was picking up iron, but I'm not sure.
She could pick up just about anything.
She continues on her way.
One more shot at this spot.
After getting pictures of the next ship, I headed up to Marysville.
Mainly to get more shots of the Leitch.
I love her looks.
I think I like the quarter angle the best.
Close to a beam shot.
The beam shot.
And she continues on.
After catching the next ship, I headed up to Port Huron.
There isn't really bad spot on the St Clair River but I think Port Huron has the best views.
It doesn't matter if the ships are heading upbound or downbound, you can get many different angles.
About the only way to get better angles is from a boat or a drone.
She makes the turn for the channel.
The bow shot.
And she starts to head out for  the lake.
The quarter view that I like the best.
Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
A shot with little background distraction.
I kind of like this shot.
She moves out past the bridge.
Getting close to a beam shot.
The beam shot.
And she heads out.  From this point, it is about 48 hours to her destination.

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