Saturday, May 21, 2022

A Stop at Embury Road

 So I decided to take my mother over to Embury Road today.  I didn't think there were a ton of ships passing and we needed to take care of other things so that kind delayed the start of my day.  It also didn't help that a nasty thunderstorm passed through as we were getting ready to leave.  Anyway.

After some navigating the dirt road that was full of potholes, I made it to my first flower.
The marsh marigolds were pretty much on the dying end of the scale, so I didn't take any pictures of them.
I liked that the blossoms for the may apples were out but they were a little difficult to get pictures of.  I think I managed fairly well though.
I think this was a Canadian anemone.
Another may apple.
And I finally got my stand of trillium.
These are my favorite flowers but it didn't seem like there was as many of them this year.
The rain drops added, I think.
These look like they are on the way out though.
I was able to get some different though.
I think I like this one the best.
This one was back in the woods a bit.
Another Canada anemone.
The light was just about right.
One more and then I headed off.

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