Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Herbie the Love Boat

 This is another ship that I like to catch but she's not going anywhere for a while.

There are some that call her Action Jackson.
Others call her the Herb Superb.
I prefer Herbie the Love Boat.
I get to see her fairly often since she makes this particular trip several times per year.
Although it seems like she hasn't done it much this year.  I think the steel trade is down because of the chip shortage affecting auto production.
Anyway, she is making the trek from Marquette to the Rouge Steel Mill.
It's kind of nice to catch her on the downbound side because I think loaded ships look better than unloaded ships.
From this point, it is about an hour to the mouth of the Rouge River.
After that, it is about another hour to the steel mill.
The ships travel fairly slow up the Rouge.  Usually 5 knots or less.
Then it is roughly a 5 to 6 hour unload.
Then she is on to her next journey.
Which I think was up to Stoneport.
It looks like she has a load of stone for the other part of the Rouge River.
Anyway, that is what she is currently doing.
In this picture, she is heading to the Rouge.
It was kind of an interesting day.
Anyway, I was happy to catch her.

If you look closely at this picture, you can see some of the preparation for the Detroit Grand Prix.  This will be the last year it is held on the island.

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