Monday, May 23, 2022

The Sarah Desgagnes Passes Riverside Park

 This ship has not appeared on this blog before but not for want of trying.

Groupe Desgagnes is operated out of Montreal.  About half of the ships are tankers.
The Sarah Desgagnes is a tanker.
She was built in 2007 at the Gisan Shipyard in Turkey.
She started the first two years of her life as the Besiktas Greenland.
She is 483 feet long and 73 feet wide.
She can carry 18,000 tons of cargo.
She was heading to Montreal.
Since she is a salty, she required a pilot change.
The M.S. Westcott approaches her.
This is kind of cool from a drone.
The M.S. Westcott nuzzles against her.
The pilot change starts.
I think the old pilot has to come down from the bridge.
And then the new pilot goes up.
It's amazing to watch.
Anyway, I think it is about two days to her destination.

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