Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Trip to Ottawa

On Sunday, I decided to head down to Ottawa.  It was a nice day and I was pretty sure that the drive trail was open.
This was the first bird I saw.  I'm pretty sure that it is an indigo bunting but I'm not sure.
I know that this is a red winged black bird.  I think they are very pretty birds.
Trying to lay low in the wind.
I liked that this one was in the flowers.
I also liked how the sky looked behind him.
This is a blue and white swallow.
This of course is heron.
Another blue and white swallow.
Another shot of a heron.
An egret doing some fishing.
I love the looks of these birds too.
I think this is a woodthrush.
Another angle.
Another woodthrush at another part of the park.
An egret in the grass.
Another egret.
I liked the way that this guy was posing.  It is another blue and white swallow.  These are pretty neat looking birds too.
A group of cormorants.  This is one of my favorite birds because they are usually in my happy spots.

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